~~~For the Children~~~~
For all the children and their families who were touched by the Littleton shooting, a nation prays for your recovery and peace. Our hearts go out to you!
Children today, have so much to contend with. There is little time for children to play anymore. They are forced to grow up so much quicker than we were. This page is dedicated to all children now and in the future. In particular, to my neice and nephew Kathy and R.J. Bless you. And thank you to their mother and father for allowing them to be children and for letting them know how much they are loved. You are indeed saints in my eyes!
I have adopted these three angels. All died from child abuse. Please, please, if you don't visit the rest of my site, please click on to these links and read these childrens stories. And do something to day, to stop the abuse of innocent young children!
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Thanks again for the beautiful artwork Helena!